The project is organized to accommodate the various sports events linked to a first level center: from the daily individual activity of the local user -access level, more public and accessible- to federated training -intermediate level- or the enjoyment of competitions by the public -higher level-, without forgetting the recreational use. All these situations take place in a generic and flexible infrastructure but at the same time specific in its various programs.

Metropolitan infrastructure and public mission
The project for the New Torresolo Sports Center is presented as an opportunity to provide Leioa with a sports infrastructure on a metropolitan scale, which could constitute a new paradigm of a sports center that condenses citizen life.
Visibility and identity
The new sports center thus becomes a recognizable piece in the environment of the public spaces that dot the city, which connects and enhances, building the identity of Leioa through an operation that provides density and therefore urbanity.
The new facility articulates and reinforces the meeting of the Pinosolo and Torresolo sectors with La Avanzada and the rest of the municipality and the metropolitan area. As an infrastructure for public use, it connects Pinosolo Park with the more urban area of Elexalde.
Multiple users, multiple features
The project is organized to accommodate the various sports events linked to a first level center: from the daily individual activity of the local user -access level, more public and accessible- to federated training -intermediate level- or the enjoyment of competitions by the public -higher level-, without forgetting the recreational use. All these situations take place in a generic and flexible infrastructure but at the same time specific in its various programs.
The public space around the project is fragmented into platforms of different heights. The project includes the three main levels -the park level, the Euzko Gudariak Avenue level and the Torresolo swimming pool level- and connects them.
Multipurpose Public Sports Facility
Client: Ayuntamiento de Leioa
Surface: 26.180 m2
Location: Leioa, Spain
Competition, Finalist, Fourth Prize
Project leaders
Pablo Oriol, Fernando Rodríguez
Adrián Sánchez Castellano, Mikhail Frantzusov
Coste Architecture, Mecanismo Ingenieria
Laura Jeschke
Supernova Visual